Your Free Shadow Work Transformation Bundle

Your Key To Unlocking Radical Self Acceptance And Raising The Ceiling Of What’s Possible For You And Your Life!

Are You Ready For An Incredible Opportunity To Heal Some Really Big Stuff?

This is DIY Therapy you can do right in your own home! AND IT’S TOTALLY FREE!

Okay so you won’t be totally alone. I’ll be guiding you the whole way. More like Do- It- Yourself-With-A-Therapist-In-Your-Ear kind of experience.

Yes! Sign Me Up For The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle.
When you sign up to begin your healing journey with shadow work, you are also signing up to receive inspirational emails and updates on other offerings to help you shine a little brighter and reach a little further!
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Let’s be honest, shall we? The likelihood that you have some beliefs that are holding you back in some way is relatively high.

Shadow work helps you bring to light the beliefs and stories that are holding you back. Your shadow parts are the parts of you that you work hard NOT to be. These are the parts you don’t want anybody to see. You know, the parts that make you want to hide under a rock when they slip past your mission impossible style vigilance. It’s so exhausting.

Yet, I think we need to discuss the elephant in the room.

As you are skimming this right now, you are probably thinking “This does not sound fun.” In fact, you can probably feel your finger reaching for the the exit button right about now.

But wait.

While I totally get that a journey into the depths of your unconscious to reveal the parts of yourself you judge the most- does not sound like a party you care to attend- I’m proposing a question.

What if the thing you fear the most is the thing that will set you free?

I felt that just now as I was typing it! Did You? Sparks!

Ok yes, you are likely to come in contact with some shadow part that is rooted in ‘not good enough’ or ‘not worthy enough’. And this can feel a little unsettling at first. I may be a little psychic but this is not a premonition.

Most all shadow parts are working to protect us from these beliefs.

But here is what I want to let you know, while you are exploring these darker parts of yourself, I will be helping you to fall in love with them.

And we will end our journey together with you gloriously standing in your light. And it will begin to feel so authentic. Because it can only be authentic when we embrace all the parts of ourselves.

So what do you say, wanna join me?

Still a little unsure?

Of course, if you have significant trauma, PTSD or prone to panic attacks when easily flooded by emotions, you should hold off and do this with a therapist when/if the time is right.

For the rest of us, I get it. You’ve been striving to stay in your comfort zone. I challenge you to step deeper into yourself, so you can finally learn to love and accept all parts of you. It’s a game changer.

I know, it may seem easier to continue sticking your head in the sand and keep disowning these parts of you. But, this is a mistake. Actually, this is a BIG MISTAKE! Think Julia Roberts dropping a Grand on Rodeo Drive… kind of mistake.

As long as you try to ignore and hide these negative parts, you can never fully accept your good parts. Because somewhere deep down the opposite of your good parts exists. So you feel like a fraud… insert imposter syndrome!

What’s Inside Your Bundle?

  1. Meet Your Shadow & Own Your Light Meditation.

Immerse yourself in a transformative meditation journey designed to help you embrace and integrate your shadow self. With soothing guidance and powerful visualization techniques, you'll navigate the depths of your subconscious and emerge with newfound clarity and wholeness.

2. Your Shadow Work Guide

Dive deep into your inner world with a curated collection of prompts designed to illuminate hidden aspects of your psyche. From exploring childhood wounds to uncovering limiting beliefs, these thought-provoking exercises will guide you on your journey of self-discovery and healing.

3. Your Shadow Work Resources

It takes a village. Here is a PDF with a few excellent resources that can help you on your shadow work journey.

Imagine How Your Life Would Be Impacted If these Shadow Parts Were Healed?

  • Break Your Patterns: Stop creating the same issues repeatedly in your life. For example, stop attracting the wrong people, never making enough money, or sabotaging your success or progress. You can break free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors by addressing them at their source.

  • Evolve Spiritually: Shadow work is essential for spiritual growth, as it facilitates the integration of both light and dark aspects of yourself, leading to feeling greater authenticity and much less imposter syndrome. The work is all about becoming whole by embracing all parts of you as important, even the ones you don’t like so much!

  • Improve Your Relationships: Shadow work can improve relationships by fostering more authentic connections. Think less resentful or critical, and more accepting and loving. It’s hard to truly be vulnerable while you simultaneously try to maintain a preferred image of yourself. Eventually, you can also work on healing intimacy issues as you heal old wounds.

  • Increase Your Creativity And Intuition: Doing Shadow Work is like removing a block to your creative flow. Intuition and creativity run on the same frequency. When you are open to inspiration, intuition can flow more freely. It’s also true that when you finally do the work of forgiveness and get out of your head and into your heart, it can all open up!

  • Heal Your Self Worth Issues: Shadow work invites you to love and accept the aspects of yourself that you otherwise, judge and dislike. As long as part of you is unacceptable, You can not fully believe in yourself. That is why doing this work can create such a powerful shift. Your ego loses it’s grasp on the false image it desperately wants to project to the world.

  • Boost Your Confidence: When you heal your self worth blocks, you have the added benefit of more confidence and willingness to take risks. This is because you can begin to trust that you’ll be ok, no matter what. The new goal is that you go within to know that you are enough, and you no longer look outside yourself for those answers.

Im Ready! Sign Me Up.