Here is just some of What You’ll Learn during this Master Class:
How to recognize when a goal is working against you—so you stop wasting time on goals that drain you and start choosing ones that set your soul on fire.
The hidden identity trap that's keeping you stuck—and how to break free so you can go after what you truly want with confidence.
Why you haven’t been able to change your thoughts or actions when you're triggered—and the key to holding your boundaries and shifting out of self-sabotage for good.
How to realign your energy before, during, and after self-sabotage—so you can bounce back quickly and keep moving forward like you never missed a beat.
Receive a mini Activation to clarify your vision of what you want and release any attachments that block your progress.
Who Is This For?
If Any of The Following Sound Like You, Do Yourself a Favor and Do Not Miss This FREE Masterclass ...
"I’ve done all the mindset work, but nothing seems to change."
You have read the books and tried changing your thoughts, but you still fall into old habits, making you feel like real change isn’t possible.
“I know I’m meant for more, but I feel blocked and don’t know why."
You sense a deeper calling but feel like something invisible is holding you back—whether it’s fear, self-doubt, or old conditioning.
“I am so frustrated that People Pleasing is still a thing for me. IT’s impacting my business and my relationships.
Things that once worked, don’t seem to be helping anymore. You may be burnt out from overgiving or over accommodating and it’s time to recharge and try a new strategy.
"I’m spread so thin, doing everything for everybody ELSE. There is not enough time for me to consistently show up for myself!”
"You can’t see an end in sight. You have a lot of ‘have tos’ and ‘shoulds’ and guilt is a driving emotion that keeps you stuck. It’s easier to be disappointed than to disappoint.
"I’m done attracting relationships and friendships that leave me feeling unseen and unheard. "
The people who struggle the most with your new boundaries will be the same ones who benefited most from you not having any. You’re feeling called. It’s time to heal through shedding layers, mattering, and shining bright again!
A note from…
In 20 years as a psychotherapist, I have helped countless women discover their healing superpowers. In the last eight years, I have incorporated energy medicine modalities to take this beautiful work to the next level. I will be your guide as we travel through this experience of remembering who you really are underneath all that old programming that wants to tell you a different story. As an empath or sensitive seeker, you are likely ready to do things differently. My mission in this Masterclass is to show you what’s possible when you do the soul work that’s calling you. It’s time to heal your inner saboteur and step into your next level purpose.
Show Up LIVE to the FREE Training and You’ll Get a FREE Bonus
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Manifest it Like You Mean it
A Step-by-Step Guide to Scripting Your Desires
Into Existence
Show Up Live To Snag Your Guide and Meditation Bundle!
Unlock the Power of Scripting Manifestation! ✨ Get your step-by-step guide to effortlessly align with your desires and call in your dream reality.
Supercharge Your Intentions with Emotion & Detail – Discover how to infuse sensory details and deep feelings into your scripting to make your manifestations magnetic.
Reprogram Your Subconscious for Success Shift limiting beliefs and align your identity with the version of you who already has what you desire.
Amplify Your Manifestation Power with Gratitude – Master the art of scripting gratitude in advance, creating an irresistible energy that attracts your desires faster.
Got questions? I’ve got Answers
Yes! This is a Live Event. Don’t forget to show up live to receive your Free Guide to Scripting Manifestation
No problem! After you sign up for the Masterclass a replay will be sent to your inbox the next day. But don’t forget that I have a gift for those who stay and watch the class live!
Yes! We will finish with Q & A time at the end. So make sure to write down your questions as we go!
Sure thing. This Masterclass is for Women who are looking for a more soul-aligned way to crush their goals and expand into their next best self. I work with intuitively-driven women, who are empaths and/or sensitive seekers that prefer to go deep in their healing work and incorporate spiritual and energetic tools for stronger boundaries for greater impact.