... Yes, sometimes Tom joins us during our healings. Well, that is a life size photo of him covering the walls. And No, none of the women seemed to mind the ginormous picture of Tom Brady overlooking our healing. A few joked that he was their angel keeping watch. However, little do they know that they have a surprise waiting for them. First we have lunch with Robert Kraft! Then they are off to other excursions before they are ushered down on to the field and greeted by players on the team! Past years both Rob Grownkowski and Tom Brady joined them. Seriously, what an amazing experience. To many of these woman its been a dream come true.
Cancer, like most ongoing chronic illnesses can be consuming of all our energy, thoughts and emotions. It was such a gift for these women to have a day that was filled with such joy. I was proud to be standing with this team!
If you or someone you love is dealing with cancer or any other chronic illness and you would like to know how energy therapy can help in the process of healing, managing symptoms of treatment and reshaping a new definition of wellness, please feel free to call or email.
New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft and Michelle Poverman, along with nine other women helping to make an inspiring day for women with breast cancer.