Trailer For Into The Work Podcast With Michelle Poverman
New Episodes Drop March 26th 2024!
Get a birds eye view of being in session and listen in on expert interviews as we all share this healing path together!
In this podcast you will be guided to do your own work by being inspired by other people's struggles and triumphs .
This podcast will include both recorded ‘sessions’ and solo episodes where Michelle will dive deeper into the topic and expand on how it might be impacting you. Additionally, interviews with experts and healers that were likely once where you are now, will share their wisdom and stories to help you gain clarity about how you too can expand and heal beyond the things that are holding you back.
Listen in, as all of these courageous individuals share their deepest fears and relatable challenges, while they show you how they step into the uncomfortable unknown of creating a purposeful life.
It's mind blowing how much quicker we can shift and grow when we are in it with others. And the way the universe works, when you listen to someone else’s story, you will likely feel and see yourself. The powers that be have already conspired to bring you to the end of this sentence. So grab a notebook, and your favorite cup O’something and join me in session.
The Podcast launches 3/26! Shows will be dropped Tuesdays at 6am.